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Preschool Calendars

Can be used with your schedule planning.

Creating your own Preschool Calendars

Preschool calendars are a very important part of schedule planning. Without it you will probably feel unorganized. The preschool calendars can help you create a relaxed atmosphere that will definitely influence your kids. They will feel more secure and you will be in control, knowing exactly what to what day and when. Kids need routine and having a calendar is the only way in achieving that.  There is also nothing more frustrating to think what you should do with your kids next.

I understand that it takes up a huge amount of energy and planning to create the perfect preschool calendar, but I can guarantee you that you will not regret it.

Hints in Creating the Perfect Preschool Calendar

  1. First determine what activities you would like to do with your kids. Things like stories, outside play and music should also be taken into consideration, even sleep time.

  2. Hands-on-activities can be broken up in blocks of 15 to 20 minutes depending on the difficulty and the time required to finish the project.

  3. Play time and music can be a little bit longer as kids normally love this time. I would suggest 30 minutes.

  4. Sleep time should not be shorter than 1.5 hours. Lunchtime and outside play can be combined to 1.5 hour. The reason for this is that they need lots of physical activity before the sleeping time and outside play assist in developing those large muscle groups.

  5. You also need to take into consideration the time spend to clean-up in between activities. During this time the kids should take part. A very important lesson can be taught to your kids: cleanliness, neatness, tidyness etc.

  6. Remember that preschool calendars are a guideline, following the schedule religiously but not the time. Sometimes certain things just take longer.

  7. There are no specific times for starting your day. You can plan to do this in the morning or in the afternoon. Just take your kids in consideration. What times will the concentrate best. You can even spread it through the day. It depends what time you have available. The most important thing is that you spend time with your kids.

  8. If you do not like a formal structure then you can always have a more relaxed approached.

Sample - Formal Schedule

9h00 - 9h30 Bible reading/discussion
9h30 - 9h35 Getting ready for hands-on-activity
9h35 - 10h00 Activity
10h00 - 10h15 Clean up
10h15 - 10h30 Snack time
10h30 - 11h00 Math / Science activity
11h00 - 11h30 Outside Play
11h30 - 13h00 Sleep time

Sample - Relaxed Schedule

After Breakfast Bible reading/discussion
Activity 1 Math/Science
Activity 2 Arts/Crafts
Outside Play and Lunch  
After Outside Play Naptime

As you can see your preschool calendars can be incorporated with schedule planning. This can be done way in advance, preferable at the end of the year. It is time consuming but will be worth it.Decide what you want to teach your kids the coming year. Look at different lesson plans, activities and music.

Download what you can from the internet and source all the goodies you need. It will be well worth it. If you feel that you do not want to go that route then you can also purchase or download preschoolcurriculum's from the internet. There is no right or wrong. The most important part is that your kids enjoy every moment of it.

You can download this very basic calendars forJanuary 2009 - March 2009.  If you subscribe to our free magazine then you will receive our newly additions monthly.




Why not try and use a preschool lesson plan with your preschool calendars?

Why Not Teach PreSchool In Your Own Home?

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